Course Content
Activities and exercises developed within this methodology aim to increase fundamental soft skills in female students who are currently attending STEM university courses. Following the introduction of "Arts" in STEM - i.e. implementation of creative and artistic thinking - we developed a methodology that helps mentoring students while elaborating different types of projects with the aim to empower their skills through an art thinking process. The proposed methodology follows an input-output process that leads students through the development of a project, where each output activity represents the input of the following activity.
In the Incubation Phase the participants carry out research in relation to the topic of their interest and begin to put the foundations for a more concrete and precise idea.
In the Imagination Phase participants begin to idealize and define the key steps for the development of the project. During this development phase, the first goals and objectives are set.
During the Creation Phase, participants begin to concretely develop their product, project, or idea. After a prototyping step, this phase is accompanied by testing moments, where participants begin to understand what works and what should be changed. The testing phase is accompanied by the collection of external feedback, crucial to implement transversal points of view useful for the finalization of the project.
During the last Evolution phase participants aim to complete the project and present it to the audience of experts and external auditors. The Evolution Phase is a finalization phase but also a phase that looks to the future, as participants can take the key decisions on what should be changed in order to make the project more successful and to plan potential follow up.
WeSTEAM Methodology
About Lesson


Visualizing: creating a visual outline of the idea through the use of creative tools (e.g., mind maps, drawings, keywords writing)


This exercise aims to identify all the steps for the creation of the project. 

Once the concepts, objectives, materials and tools of the project in question have been identified; participants must be able to visualize their idea by steps of creation. One of the recommended methods is the creation of a storyboard. The storyboard can be created by drawing sketches with colors and paint, or it can be developed digitally using recommended software. 

Storyboards date back to the beginnings of film and animation, the first to use this form of visualization was Walt Disney in 1928. From then on, storyboards began to be popular, especially in the worlds of film and advertising, as a way of visually organizing the ideas and steps needed to achieve a certain goal through drawings.

First of all, participants should decide to create the storyboard physically or digitally. Subsequently, the activity can be divided into the following steps:

  1. The first step is to identify the 10 key steps to be taken to build the final product/idea. Participants should try to visually disassemble the final product and then reassemble it into 10 sequences. Write down on a paper what these 10 sequences are and which visual elements should be included in each scene. 
  2. Then participants should start drawing the 10 scenes until they reach the last one that would ideally represent the completion of their final product.


Papers, colors, pencils, or software


1.5 hours


Goal-oriented thinking: in order to achieve a goal, you need to think ahead, estimating the steps and the resources necessary to pursue it: this means being able to establish achievable, prioritized and timetabled tasks and to manage your time and resources accordingly.

Visionary: to visualize an idea, you have to imagine what does not yet exist: this means being able to let go your creativity, without putting rational restraints (e.g., “it is too much”, “it cannot be done”, etc.) on what your imagination is suggesting to you


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